This business has been operating successfully for the past twenty-four years. It is the oldest established pet shop in Bloemfontein. They specialise in keeping and selling cold -, tropical - and marine fish, as well as all the related products such as tanks, filters, heaters, food, etc. as well as small animals (hamsters, mice, and bunnies) including all their necessities like cages, food, and bedding.
They deal in equipment for dogs & cats (food, play goods, beds, leads & collars, general medicine, etc.), for birds (cages, food, nests, general medicine, etc.), as well as for reptiles (cages, lights, heating pads, bark, etc.). A large part of their business includes building and installation of fish tanks for cold-, tropical- and saltwater systems, as well as filter systems for outdoor ponds. They have maintenance contracts with large corporate clients to service and maintain their ponds and tanks
Financial Info:
1. Mark up % - 100%
2. GP % - 50%
3. Annual average net profit - R674 000
4. ROI - 24%